HATL02F Fan auto-control module for Raspberry Pi with I2C pins

Automatic fan control module for Raspberry Pi with I2C pins 

Do you want to the life of your fan, reduce its noise and control it automatically?
With this MaticControl fan module you can! As a bonus, the second connector provides access to the I2C pins. I2C pins along with a 3.3V pin are often used to connect displays or other modules that use an I2C pins.

Here is link for the product: https://leapmatic.com/product/hatl02f-auto-fan-control-i2c-pins/

Download the full PDF manual from HERE

Place it on pins 1-10.  And this is all you have to do on the hardware.

auto fan control HAT for Raspberry Pi LeapMatic MaticControl
auto fan control HAT for Raspberry Pi LeapMatic MaticControl

I. Fan Control

About the software  for the fan control you have two options:

  1. Graphical

From Raspberry icon > Preferences> Raspberry Pi Configuration > Performance tab >set fan enable; Fan GPIO  4; and the temperature at which you want the fan to turn on. Save with OK

auto fan control HAT for Raspberry Pi LeapMatic MaticControl
auto fan control HAT for Raspberry Pi LeapMatic MaticControl

Thus, when the processor reaches the temperature you set, the fan will turn on. It will turn on off only when the processor temperature drops 10 degrees below the set on temperature. (For example, if you set the On temperature to 75 degrees, the fan will turn off when the processor reaches 65 degrees).
With these few easy steps, you now have automatic fan control.

 2. Console

Open the Console and type

sudo raspi-config

You will open a graphical interface menu where you need to choose Performance Options:

auto fan control HAT for Raspberry Pi LeapMatic MaticControl

Then Choose “Fan”

auto fan control HAT for Raspberry Pi LeapMatic MaticControl

It will ask you if you want to enable fan temperature control? – Choose “Yes”

auto fan control HAT for Raspberry Pi LeapMatic MaticControl

Here you need to set GPIO 4

auto fan control HAT for Raspberry Pi LeapMatic MaticControl

Then set the temperature on which the fan will turn on

auto fan control HAT for Raspberry Pi LeapMatic MaticControl

At last the system will inform you about the changes.

auto fan control HAT for Raspberry Pi LeapMatic MaticControl

II. I2C pins and 3,3V power supply

GPIO 2 and GPIO 3 – the Raspberry Pi’s I2C1 pins – allow for two-wire communication with a variety of external sensors and devices. The I2C pins include a fixed 1.8 kΩ pull-up resistor to 3.3v. They are not suitable for use as general purpose IO where a pull-up might interfere.

I2C pins along with a 3.3V pin are often used to connect displays or other modules that use an I2C pins.

Note: This MaticControl module provide access to I2C pins via separate connector on the top of the board, so you can use them but it covers the pins for: 5V power supply, GPIO14 (TXD), GPIO15 (RXD). If you want to use them we offer modules (HATs) that provide access to these pins via separate connector on the top of the board.

Here is link for the product: https://leapmatic.com/product/hatl02fp-auto-fan-control-i2c-pins-2/

Electrical Scheme of the module:

auto fan control HAT for Raspberry Pi LeapMatic MaticControl